Seshnegi Rokari Talari Truth


Author: Zurii_7w7

Rune: Truth

The Talari Talar is said to have been the first appointed to this caste. To him was given the Crown of Rulership and the right to command his brothers. Talari costumes always had a yellow crown, jewelry, and accoutrements of authority. Their hair is described as ‘long’ and ‘well-combed’. They are described as ‘sweet-smelling’ and their skin ‘without blemish’. The original talari had pale colored yellow skin, as they never performed menial labor in the Sun’s light. At least one spell refers to the ‘wives and lovers of the Talar’. The talari adjudicated disputes between the other castes and dealt with outsiders. They were leaders, many with the ability to force obedience upon members of other castes. Most followed the occupations of court noble, landholder, judge, merchant, and military commander. The latter were the strategists and senior tacticians, leading no less than a hundred horali which include five horali lieutenants and five sergeants. Their ranks are recorded as General, Major, and Minor.

Creation Notes

This is the personal concept I have of a Rokari Zzaburi based on the limited official information available on how to create characters of this type. As a caste, the Zzaburi are subject to the rules of Rightness ( Through caste restrictions, the Zzaburi earn Rightness points, which allow them to access caste powers. I believe that since the Rokari society has a strict caste system, using these castes as a foundation for character creation makes much more sense than using a homeland. After all, what truly influences a caste society is the education you receive based on your caste, not the place of your birth.


Statistic Dice Max
STR 3d6 21
CON 3d6 21
SIZ 2d6+6 21
DEX 3d6 21
INT 2d6+6 21
POW 3d6 21
CHA 3d6 21

Hit Locations: Humanoids

Movement Value
Ground 8


Passion Bonus
Loyalty (King) +10%
Loyalty (Talari) +10%
Hate (Hrestoli) +10%


Skill Base Bonus
Speak (Seshnegi) 50 +0%
Speak (Tradetalk) 20 +0%
Spirit Combat 20 +0%
Customs (Seshnegi) 25 +0%
Orate 10 +25%
Broadsword 10 +15%
2H Spear 15 +15%
Ride 5 +15%
Orate 10 +15%
Insight 20 +10%
Intrigue 10 +0%