The Cothlans of Spring Air


Author: Cal7447

Rune: Air

A Hilly region with heavy winds. Once the edged of the dense forest spanning most of the NW of the continent, it has been an upland covered in man made moors for centuries. Though, indigenous “elves” held out until just 4 generations ago, they have been entirely eliminated or assimilated. the Herders of the Cothlans are the best riders in spring the last remaining culture of Bison riders.


Statistic Dice Max
STR 3d6 21
CON 3d6 21
SIZ 2d6+6 21
DEX 3d6 21
INT 2d6+6 21
POW 3d6 21
CHA 3d6 21

Hit Locations: Humanoids

Movement Value
Ground 8


Passion Bonus
Honor +10%


Skill Base Bonus
Understand Herd Beast 0 +30%
Whip 5 +10%
Ride 5 +35%
Grapple 25 +10%
Pole Lasso 5 +10%
Dagger 15 +15%
Spirit Combat 20 +20%
Peaceful Cut 10 +15%