The Cradle of Heroes
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--- Kaelon --- Runes: Air Truth Stasis Type: Player Character Homeland: Sartar Occupation: Farmer Initiate of Cult: Orlanth Standard of Living: Free Income: 80 L Ransom: 500 L Description: Kaelon Son of Khael was a young farmer, his hands calloused from tilling the rich soil of his family's farmstead in the heart of Haraborn territory. With his hair as dark as the fertile earth and his eyes reflecting the depths of the starlit sky, Kaelon tended to the fields with a diligence that belied his tender age of sixteen. His days were spent under the open sky, nurturing the crops that sustained his people, while his nights were filled with dreams of magic and the mysteries of the world. While others saw only the labor of their hands, Kaelon's heart beat with a longing for knowledge that transcended the mundane. He found himself drawn to the secrets whispered by the wind and the wisdom hidden within the phases of the moon. As he worked the land, his mind wandered to realms beyond the physical, yearning to unlock the ancient powers that lay dormant within the earth. Among the runes that called out to him, none resonated as strongly as the Air and Moon Runes. The Air Rune stirred within Kaelon a passion as fierce as the tempest, fueling his spirit with a fiery intensity. He embraced the unpredictability of the wind, finding freedom in its chaotic dance across the plains. Yet, beneath his proud exterior lay a heart that yearned for liberation, a soul eager to break free from the bonds of tradition and expectation. Guided by the gentle glow of the Moon Rune, Kaelon sought solace in the darkness of the night sky. He yearned to transcend the limitations of mortal existence, seeking spiritual enlightenment amidst the vast expanse of the cosmos. With each passing night, he felt the pull of the moon's ethereal light, drawing him ever closer to the truth that lay beyond the veil of fear and ignorance. While the Fire Rune spoke of purity and idealism, Kaelon's perception was tempered by the unwavering resolve of the Stasis Rune. He understood the importance of steadfastness in the pursuit of his goals, recognizing that true change could only come through resolute determination. Though some may view his unyielding nature as obstinance, Kaelon remained steadfast in his commitment to uncovering the truths that lay hidden beneath the surface of reality. And in the embrace of the Truth Rune, Kaelon found clarity amidst the chaos of the world. He viewed reality through an objective lens, unclouded by bias or interpretation. For him, the truth was a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding his actions with unwavering certainty. Yet, amidst his quest for enlightenment, Kaelon remained grounded in the pleasures of the flesh, guided by the subtle influence of the Fertility Rune. He reveled in the simple joys of life, embracing the bonds of camaraderie and the warmth of human connection. As Kaelon stood on the cusp of his initiation rite, he knew that his journey had only just begun. With each rune etched upon his soul, he felt the weight of destiny upon his shoulders, a burden he bore with pride and humility. For he was Kaelon Son of Khael, farmer, seeker of truths, and seeker of the ancient magic that bound the world. Stats: Strength: 19 (95%) Constitution: 12 (60%) Size: 14 (70%) Dexterity: 13 (65%) Intelligence: 13 (65%) Power: 17 (85%) Charisma: 11 (55%) Derived Stats: SIZ Strike Rank: 2 Damage Bonus: +1D6 Hit Points: 14 Healing Rate: 2 Magic Points: 17 Spirit Damage: 1D6+1 DEX Strike Rank: 2 Movement: Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Honor (Passion) 60% Loyalty (Satar) 60% Loyalty (Tribe) 70% Devotion (Orlanth) 60% Hate (Lunar Empire) 60% Reputation 20% Love (Family) 60% Loyalty (Clan) 60% **Cults: Orlanth - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Elemental Runes: Fire/Sky 20% Air 80% Moon 70% Power Runes: Stasis 75% Illusion 25% Movement 25% Beast 40% Disorder 50% Fertility 55% Truth 75% Man 50% Death 40% Harmony 50% Condition Runes: Skills: **Agility (+15%)** Boat 20% Climb 65% Dodge 41% Drive (Chariot) 20% Jump 54% Ride (Horse) 20% Ride (Horse) 20% Swim 30% **Communication (+5%)** Act 10% Art 10% Bargain 10% Charm 20% Dance 20% Disguise 10% Fast Talk 10% Intimidate 20% Intrigue 10% Orate 65% Sing 35% Speak (Stormspeech) 25% Speak (Tradetalk) 15% **Knowledge (+10%)** Animal Lore 15% Battle 20% Celestial Lore 15% Elder Race Lore (Elves) 15% Evaluate 20% Farm 40% First Aid 30% Game 25% Herd 40% Homeland Lore (Local) 40% Manage Household 50% Mineral Lore 15% Peaceful Cut 20% Plant Lore 15% Survival 25% Treat Disease 15% Treat Poison 15% **Magic (+10%)** Meditate 15% Prepare Corpse 20% Spirit Combat 45% **Manipulation (+20%)** Conceal 25% Craft (Arms) 30% Craft (Tools) 45% Devise 25% Play Instrument 25% Sleight 30% **Perception (+10%)** Insight (Species) 30% Listen 35% Scan 45% Search 35% Track 15% **Stealth (+0%)** Hide 10% Move Quietly 10% **Melee (+20%)** 1H Axe 30% 1H Hammer 30% 1H Mace 35% 1H Spear 35% 2H Axe 25% 2H Hammer 25% 2H Mace 30% 2H Spear 35% Battle Axe 45% Broadsword 60% Dagger 45% Fist 45% Grapple 45% Greatsword 25% Kick 35% Kopis 30% Lance 25% Pike 35% Quarterstaff 35% Rapier 25% Shortsword 30% Whip 25% **Ranged (+20%)** Arbalest 30% Axe, Throwing 30% Composite Bow 35% Crossbows 45% Dagger, Throwing 25% Elf Bow 25% Javelin 40% Pole Lasso 25% Rock 35% Self Bow 25% Sling 25% Staff Sling 30% Throwing Dagger 30% Thrown Axe 30% **Shield (+20%)** Large Shield 45% Medium Shield 65% Small Shield 35% Spirit Magic: Bladesharp (2pts) Protection (2pts) Detect Enemies (1pts) Melee Attacks: Dagger 45% 1D4+2+1D6 SR 8 6/6 HP Broadsword 60% 1D8+1+1D6 SR 6 12/12 HP 1H Battle Axe 45% 1D8+2+1D6 SR 7 8/8 HP Medium Shield 65% 1D4+1D6 SR 7 12/12 HP Ranged Attacks: Composite Bow 35% 1D8+1 SR 2 7/7 HP Rng 100 Light Crossbow 45% 2D4+2 SR 2 6/6 HP Rng 100 Thrown Javelin 40% 1D10+1D3 SR 2 8/8 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head 5/5 HP (16-18) - L Arm 4/4 HP (13-15) - R Arm 4/4 HP (12) - Chest 6/6 HP (9-11) - Abdomen 5/5 HP (5-8) - L Leg 5/5 HP (1-4) - R Leg 5/5 HP Equipment: Foodstuffs and livestock worth 120 L Cultural Weapons Sickle Hammer Two draft oxen composite helm (3pts)
** Kaelon ** Runes: Air Truth Stasis Homeland: Sartar, Occupation: Farmer, Initiate of Cult: Orlanth STR: 19, CON: 12, SIZ: 14, DEX: 13, INT: 13, POW: 17, CHA: 11, Derived Stats: Hit Points: 14, Magic Points: 17, Damage Bonus: +1D6, Movement- Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Passions: Reputation 20%, Love (Family) 60%, Loyalty (Clan) 60%, Honor (Passion) 60%, Loyalty (Satar) 60%, Loyalty (Tribe) 70%, Devotion (Orlanth) 60%, Hate (Lunar Empire) 60%, Cults: Orlanth - Initiate - Rune Points: 3 Runes: Fire/Sky 20%, Air 80%, Moon 70%, Man 50%, Death 40%, Harmony 50%, Stasis 75%, Illusion 25%, Movement 25%, Beast 40%, Disorder 50%, Fertility 55%, Truth 75%, Skills: Orate 65%, Climb 65%, Medium Shield 65%, Broadsword 60%, Jump 54%, Manage Household 50%, Battle Axe 45%, Grapple 45%, Crossbows 45%, Dagger 45%, Scan 45%, Spirit Combat 45%, Craft (Tools) 45%, Fist 45% Spirit Magic: Protection (2pts), Detect Enemies (1pts), Bladesharp (2pts) Attacks: Dagger 45% 1D4+2+1D6 SR 8 6/6 HP Broadsword 60% 1D8+1+1D6 SR 6 12/12 HP 1H Battle Axe 45% 1D8+2+1D6 SR 7 8/8 HP Medium Shield 65% 1D4+1D6 SR 7 12/12 HP Composite Bow 35% 1D8+1 SR 2 7/7 HP Rng 100 Light Crossbow 45% 2D4+2 SR 2 6/6 HP Rng 100 Thrown Javelin 40% 1D10+1D3 SR 2 8/8 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head 5/5 HP (16-18) - L Arm 4/4 HP (13-15) - R Arm 4/4 HP (12) - Chest 6/6 HP (9-11) - Abdomen 5/5 HP (5-8) - L Leg 5/5 HP (1-4) - R Leg 5/5 HP Equipment: Foodstuffs and livestock worth 120 L, Cultural Weapons, Sickle, Hammer, Two draft oxen, composite helm (3pts),