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--- Griselda --- Runes: Movement Disorder Earth Type: Non-Player Character Description: Legendary thief living in Pavis. Very small and lightly build but well-endowed, she has shoulder-length orange-red hair, a narrow face, high forehead, full lips and large blue eyes. She is very beautiful but can chill the blood with an occasional savage expression. Stats: Strength: 12 (60%) Constitution: 16 (80%) Size: 7 (35%) Dexterity: 19 (95%) Intelligence: 18 (90%) Power: 18 (90%) Charisma: 15 (75%) Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: 0 Hit Points: 16 Healing Rate: 3 Magic Points: 18 Spirit Damage: 1D6+3 DEX Strike Rank: 0 SIZ Strike Rank: 2 Movement: Ground: 8 Passions & Reputations: Loyalty 60% Reputation 5% Eurmal - Initiate Rune Points: 1 Elemental Runes: Earth 70% Water 30% Air 60% Power Runes: Truth 40% Harmony 25% Disorder 75% Movement 75% Beast 40% Stasis 25% Illusion 60% Death 50% Fertility 50% Man 60% Condition Runes: Skills: **Agility (+15%)** Climb 65% Dodge 73% Jump 40% Swim 40% **Communication (+15%)** Fast Talk 50% Orate 35% Speak (Darktongue) 60% Speak (New Pelorian) 35% Speak (Old Pavic) 75% Speak (Sartarite) 90% Speak (Thieves' Argot) 90% Speak (Tradetalk) 55% Voice Mimicry 20% **Knowledge (+15%)** Customs (Alone) 75% Customs (Pavis) 40% Evaluate 40% Read/Write (Sartarite) 75% **Magic (+10%)** **Manipulation (+25%)** Conceal 40% Pick Lock 35% Trap Set/Disarm 50% **Perception (+15%)** Listen 55% Spot Hidden 50% Spot Traps 45% Track 25% **Stealth (+20%)** Disguise 45% Feign Death 35% Hide 55% Move Quietly 50% **Melee (+25%)** Dagger 100% Knife (Hidden)) 60% Shortsword 100% **Ranged (+25%)** Dart 75% Throwing Dagger 40% **Shield (+25%)** Small Shield 60% Spirit Magic: Bladesharp (3pts) Countermagic (3pts) Heal (2pts) Shimmer (3pts) Silence (1pts) Befuddle (2pts) Mobility (1pts) Melee Attacks: Knife 60% 1d6+1 SR 5 8/8 HP Dagger 100% 1D4+2 SR 6 6/6 HP Shortsword 100% 1D6+1 SR 5 12/12 HP Small Shield 60% 1D3 SR 5 8/8 HP Ranged Attacks: Thrown Dagger 40% 1D4 SR 0 6/6 HP Rng 20 Dart 75% 1D6 SR 0 4/4 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head 6/6 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 2 5/5 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 2 5/5 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 2 7/7 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 1 6/6 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 2 6/6 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 2 6/6 HP Equipment: 13 point storage crystal on neck chain Ring with Speedart matrix ono right ring finger Gem (worth 127L) that is Disruption matrix in band on right middle finger
** Griselda ** Runes: Movement Disorder Earth STR: 12, CON: 16, SIZ: 7, DEX: 19, INT: 18, POW: 18, CHA: 15, Derived Stats: Damage Bonus: 0, Hit Points: 16, Magic Points: 18, Movement- Ground: 8, HP: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Passions: Loyalty 60%, Reputation 5%, Eurmal - Initiate Rune Points: 1 Runes: Earth 70%, Water 30%, Air 60%, Man 60%, Harmony 25%, Disorder 75%, Movement 75%, Beast 40%, Truth 40%, Death 50%, Stasis 25%, Illusion 60%, Fertility 50%, Skills: Shortsword 100%, Dagger 100%, Speak (Thieves' Argot) 90%, Speak (Sartarite) 90%, Customs (Alone) 75%, Speak (Old Pavic) 75%, Read/Write (Sartarite) 75%, Dart 75%, Dodge 73%, Climb 65%, Speak (Darktongue) 60%, Knife (Hidden)) 60%, Small Shield 60%, Speak (Tradetalk) 55% Spirit Magic: Countermagic (3pts), Heal (2pts), Shimmer (3pts), Silence (1pts), Befuddle (2pts), Mobility (1pts), Bladesharp (3pts) Attacks: Knife 60% 1d6+1 SR 5 8/8 HP Dagger 100% 1D4+2 SR 6 6/6 HP Shortsword 100% 1D6+1 SR 5 12/12 HP Small Shield 60% 1D3 SR 5 8/8 HP Dart 75% 1D6 SR 0 4/4 HP Rng 20 Thrown Dagger 40% 1D4 SR 0 6/6 HP Rng 20 Hit Locations: (19-20) - Head 6/6 HP (16-18) - L Arm Armor: 2 5/5 HP (13-15) - R Arm Armor: 2 5/5 HP (12) - Chest Armor: 2 7/7 HP (9-11) - Abdomen Armor: 1 6/6 HP (5-8) - L Leg Armor: 2 6/6 HP (1-4) - R Leg Armor: 2 6/6 HP Equipment: 13 point storage crystal on neck chain, Ring with Speedart matrix ono right ring finger, Gem (worth 127L) that is Disruption matrix in band on right middle finger,