Oranata Harankossdottir

Movement Death Disorder

Noble Warrior of Sartar, Initiate of Orlanth

Initiate of Ernalda
Initiate of Elmal
Initiate of Babeester Gor
Ernaldori Clan | Colymar Tribe Thumbnail

Created at 2024/02/12 by madoverkill


Noble Warrior of Clan Colymar of Sartar

Text Notes (0)
Strength 21 105%
Constitution 21 105%
Size 19 95%
Dexterity 21 105%
Intelligence 20 100%
Power 21 105%
Charisma 18 90%
Rune Points (Orlanth) 8
Rune Points (Ernalda) 3
Rune Points (Elmal) 5
Rune Points (Babeester Gor) 3
Damage Bonus +1D6
DEX Strike Rank 0
Hit Points 25
Healing Rate 0
Magic Points 21
Spirit Damage 1D6+3
SIZ Strike Rank 1
Air Air 46%
Darkness Darkness 55%
Earth Earth 5%
Fire/Sky Fire/Sky 68%
Moon Moon 5%
Water Water 10%
Death Death 70%
Disorder Disorder 69%
Man Man 55%
Movement Movement 79%
Truth Truth 55%
Rune Spells
Catseye (Elmal) Fire/Sky Beast 1
Charisma (Eurmal) Fertility Illusion Beast 1
Dismiss Air Elemental (Orlanth) Air 1
Earth Shield (Babeestor Gor) Earth Air 3
Face Chaos (Orlanth) Air Beast 1
Heal Body (Ernalda) Earth Fertility Harmony 3
Increase/Decrease Wind (Orlanth) Air 1
Lightning (Orlanth) Air 1
Restore Health (Orlanth) Fertility Harmony Man 1
Shattering (Eurmal) Disorder 1
Shield (Babeester Gor) Magic 1
Slash (Babeester Gor) Death 1
Summon Air Elemental (Orlanth) Air 1
Summons of Evil (Orlanth) Air 3
Sunbright (Elmal) Fire/Sky 2
Wind Warp (Orlanth) Air Movement 1
Ground 8
Passions & Reputation
Devotion (Babeester Gor) 70%
Devotion (Elmal) 67%
Devotion (Ernalda) 62%
Devotion (Orlanth) 73%
Hate (Chaos) 70%
Hate (Lunar Empire) 70%
Honor 90%
Love (Family) 60%
Loyalty (Argrath) 60%
Loyalty (Clan) 60%
Loyalty (Sartar) 60%
Loyalty (Tribe) 60%
Reputation 30%
Spirit Magic
Bladesharp 2
Countermagic 3
Disruption 1
Heal 4
Mobility 1
Sleep 3
Standard of Living Noble
Income 2500 L
Ransom 10000 L

Skills [Gameplay] [Main]

Agility (+30%)
Dodge (28) 114%
Ride (Horse) (5) 65%
Ride (Rhino) (5) 81%
Swim (15) 85%
Communication (+25%)
Charm (15) 65%
Dance (10) 43%
Intimidate (15) 60%
Intrigue (5) 50%
Orate (10) 85%
Sing (10) 55%
Speak (Darktongue) (0) 56%
Speak (Esrolian) (0) 28%
Speak (New Pelorian) (0) 49%
Speak (Praxian) (0) 43%
Speak (Stormspeech) (0) 55%
Speak (Theyalan) (0) 55%
Speak (Tradetalk) (0) 80%
Manipulation (+45%)
Conceal (5) 52%
Craft (Arms) (10) 56%
Devise (5) 57%
Play Instrument (5) 54%
Sleight (10) 57%

Knowledge (+20%)
Animal Lore (5) 26%
Battle (10) 85%
Bureacracy (0) 35%
Customs (Esrolia) (0) 30%
Customs (Lunar Empire) (0) 30%
Customs (Prax) (0) 30%
Elder Race Lore (Dwarves) (5) 28%
Evaluate (10) 41%
Farm (10) 50%
First Aid (10) 32%
Herd (5) 35%
Homeland Lore (Sartar) (30) 75%
Manage Household (10) 71%
Martial Arts (0) 35%
Peaceful Cut (10) 32%
Read/Write (Old Tarsh) (0) 45%
Read/Write (Darktongue) (0) 35%
Read/Write (New Pelorian) (0) 41%
Read/Write (Praxian) (0) 22%
Read/Write (Stormspeech) (0) 46%
Read/Write (Theyalan) (0) 44%
Survival (15) 40%

Magic (+20%)
Meditate (0) 41%
Sense Assassin (0) 40%
Spirit Combat (20) 67%
Spirit Dance (0) 41%
Spirit Lore (0) 33%
Spirit Travel (0) 26%
Worship (Babeester Gor) (0) 52%
Worship (Elmal) (0) 60%
Worship (Ernalda) (0) 62%
Perception (+20%)
Insight (Human) (20) 66%
Insight (Human) (20) 66%
Listen (25) 79%
Scan (25) 81%
Search (25) 72%
Track (5) 37%
Ranged (+45%)
Composite Bow (5) 98%
Crossbows (25) 80%
Javelin (10) 90%
Sling (5) 60%
Throwing Dagger (10) 57%
Thrown Axe (10) 58%

Melee (+45%)
1H Axe (10) 57%
1H Battle Axe LH (0) 90%
1H Spear (5) 81%
2H Axe (5) 91%
2H Spear (15) 96%
Battle Axe (10) 91%
Broadsword (10) 103%
Dagger (15) 70%
Parrying Dagger LH (0) 83%
Rapier (5) 60%
Short Sword LH (0) 83%
Shortsword (10) 64%
Shield (+45%)
Large Shield (15) 113%
Medium Shield (15) 92%
Stealth (+5%)
Hide (10) 65%
Move Quietly (10) 69%

Agility (+30%)
Boat (5) 35%
Climb (40) 70%
Dodge (28) 114%
Drive (Chariot) (5) 35%
Jump (42) 72%
Ride (Horse) (5) 65%
Ride (Rhino) (5) 81%
Swim (15) 85%
Communication (+25%)
Act (5) 30%
Art (5) 30%
Bargain (5) 30%
Charm (15) 65%
Dance (10) 43%
Disguise (5) 30%
Fast Talk (5) 30%
Intimidate (15) 60%
Intrigue (5) 50%
Orate (10) 85%
Sing (10) 55%
Speak (Darktongue) (0) 56%
Speak (Esrolian) (0) 28%
Speak (New Pelorian) (0) 49%
Speak (Praxian) (0) 43%
Speak (Stormspeech) (0) 55%
Speak (Theyalan) (0) 55%
Speak (Tradetalk) (0) 80%
Manipulation (+45%)
Conceal (5) 52%
Craft (Arms) (10) 56%
Devise (5) 57%
Play Instrument (5) 54%
Sleight (10) 57%

Knowledge (+20%)
Animal Lore (5) 26%
Battle (10) 85%
Bureacracy (0) 35%
Celestial Lore (5) 25%
Customs (Esrolia) (0) 30%
Customs (Lunar Empire) (0) 30%
Customs (Prax) (0) 30%
Elder Race Lore (Elves) (5) 25%
Elder Race Lore (Dwarves) (5) 28%
Evaluate (10) 41%
Farm (10) 50%
First Aid (10) 32%
Game (15) 35%
Herd (5) 35%
Homeland Lore (Sartar) (30) 75%
Manage Household (10) 71%
Martial Arts (0) 35%
Mineral Lore (5) 25%
Peaceful Cut (10) 32%
Plant Lore (5) 25%
Read/Write (Old Tarsh) (0) 45%
Read/Write (Darktongue) (0) 35%
Read/Write (New Pelorian) (0) 41%
Read/Write (Praxian) (0) 22%
Read/Write (Stormspeech) (0) 46%
Read/Write (Theyalan) (0) 44%
Survival (15) 40%
Treat Disease (5) 25%
Treat Poison (5) 25%

Magic (+20%)
Meditate (0) 41%
Prepare Corpse (10) 30%
Sense Assassin (0) 40%
Spirit Combat (20) 67%
Spirit Dance (0) 41%
Spirit Lore (0) 33%
Spirit Travel (0) 26%
Worship (Babeester Gor) (0) 52%
Worship (Elmal) (0) 60%
Worship (Ernalda) (0) 62%
Perception (+20%)
Insight (Species) (20) 40%
Insight (Human) (20) 66%
Insight (Human) (20) 66%
Listen (25) 79%
Scan (25) 81%
Search (25) 72%
Track (5) 37%
Ranged (+45%)
Arbalest (10) 55%
Axe, Throwing (10) 55%
Composite Bow (5) 98%
Crossbows (25) 80%
Dagger, Throwing (5) 50%
Elf Bow (5) 50%
Javelin (10) 90%
Pole Lasso (5) 50%
Rock (15) 60%
Self Bow (5) 50%
Sling (5) 60%
Staff Sling (10) 55%
Throwing Dagger (10) 57%
Thrown Axe (10) 58%

Melee (+45%)
1H Axe (10) 57%
1H Battle Axe LH (0) 90%
1H Hammer (10) 55%
1H Mace (15) 60%
1H Spear (5) 81%
2H Axe (5) 91%
2H Hammer (5) 50%
2H Mace (10) 55%
2H Spear (15) 96%
Battle Axe (10) 91%
Broadsword (10) 103%
Dagger (15) 70%
Fist (25) 70%
Grapple (25) 70%
Greatsword (5) 50%
Kick (15) 60%
Kopis (10) 55%
Lance (5) 50%
Parrying Dagger LH (0) 83%
Pike (15) 60%
Quarterstaff (15) 60%
Rapier (5) 60%
Short Sword LH (0) 83%
Shortsword (10) 64%
Whip (5) 50%
Shield (+45%)
Large Shield (15) 113%
Medium Shield (15) 92%
Small Shield (15) 60%
Stealth (+5%)
Hide (10) 65%
Move Quietly (10) 69%
Gameplay [Skills] [Main]
Melee Attacks
Attack Skill Damage SR HP
1H Battle Axe 91% 1D8+2+1D6 4
1H Battle Axe LH 91% 1d8+2+1D6 4
1H Short Spear 81% 1D6+1+1D6 3
2H Battle Axe 91% 1D8+2+1D6 4
Broadsword 103% 1D8+1+1D6 3
Great Axe 91% 2D6+2+1D6 3
Lance 96% 1D10+1+1D6 1
Large Shield 113% 1D6+1D6 4
Short Sword LH 64% 1d6+1+1D6 4
Ranged Attacks
Attack Skill Damage SR Range Special
Composite Bow 98% 1D8+1 0 100m
Thrown Dagger 57% 1D4+1D3 0 20m
Thrown Javelin 90% 1D10+1D3 0 20m

  • 6 Pts Armor All Locations.: Chaos Feature (10% chance become Broo if she gets another)
  • Permanent Catseye: Gift from Elmal

Hit Locations
Hit Location Armor HP Max
19-20 Head 10 9 /9
16-18 L Arm 9 8 /8
13-15 R Arm 9 8 /8
12 Chest 9 10 /10
9-11 Abdomen 9 9 /9
5-8 L Leg 9 9 /9
1-4 R Leg 9 9 /9
Spirits & Matrixes
Bound Spirit 01 (Pow Storage Crystal (7)) POW: 18, CHA: 16 POW Storage Crystal in Silver Necklace.
Spells: Heal (6pts), Repair (4pts), Befuddle (2pts), Protection (4pts)
Bound Spirit 02 (Pow Storage Crystal Pow 5) POW: 18, CHA: 14 POW Storage Crystal in Iron Armlet on upper left arm.
Spells: Dispel Magic (8pts), Detect Undead (1pts), Detect Enemies (1pts), Mobility (1pts), Detect Life (1pts), Detect Trap (1pts), Detect Magic (1pts)
POW Storage Crystal () POW: 15
POW Storage Crystal () POW: 13
Combination Crystal - Power Enhancing 8, Twice Power Yielding 16 Crystal (Iron Circlet Worn Under Helm.) POW: 32 Regenerates POW like humans 1/4 per 6 hours. Doubles Variable Spirit Magic up to 8MP, provides Double POW per day (42 POW)
Carries 100Cl, 200L, 10W.
Curibolli cuirass (3pts)
Studded Leather Skirts (3pts)
Curibolli greaves (3pts)
Curibolli Vambraces (3pts)
Open helmet (4pts)
Cultural Weapons
Two Cultural Riding Animals
Noble Clothing worth (60L)
89W, 7850L, 100 Clacks
450 L in jewelry, vessels and luxury goods
Average Armor: 9pts
Scorpion Venom Antidote POT7(2), POT8(2)
Scorpion Venom POT 8(2)
Healing Potion 6(4), Healing Potion 3(4)
POW Storage Crystal 15, 13, 7(Full), 5(Full)
POW Focusing Crystal x2
Bladesharp 4 Spell Matrix (Battle Axe)
Combination Crystal - Power Enhancing 8, Twice Power Yielding 21 Crystal
Light Matrix in Gold Ring with Sun Rune
Potency 10 Blade Venom (4)
Potion of Lightwall
Gems 700L, 300L(x2)
map (unhelpful)
Killed an Ogre
Blunted Lead Dagger
Bit of glass and copper
Slave collar worth 2340L
10W Small ring with stones (Cursed chaos)
two gems 900L,1400L, potion POT15 Systemic Poison
2 red pins shaped like bats
Bladesharp 1 matrix (Small cylinder on spear)
Gem 340L, 85L