City of Amneleon and Eastern Pasos Islands: Mazon and Peidon Water


Author: Geibel64

Rune: Water

The people of these Islands; of Western stock tend to me shorter and slighter than most humans but more dexterous. Their max SZ is therefore 19 with max DEX remaining the same but the +2 taken from SZ is added to DEX during character creation. Amneleon : This large city at hr mouth of the Tanier River has a large port and an important market. The Tea Growers are the most influential power but show deference to their rulers. Navigationalism is the dominant school of wizardry and various sea entities are invoked locally. Mazan: This is a small city/Island with little agriculture but a small port and is known for it’s school of Malskionism. Peidon: Is a small city/Island with a small port. Magasta and Dormal are venerated in all three and Orlanth is worshipped by some in Amneleon.

Creation Notes

Used : Guide to Glorantha volume I with map on pg 49 volume II, Volume II and Nochet Adventurers guide and for reference along with Roleplaying in Glorantha along with various maps.


Statistic Dice Max
STR 3d6 21
CON 3d6 21
SIZ 2d6+4 19
DEX 3d6 21
INT 2d6+6 21
POW 3d6 21
CHA 3d6 21

Hit Locations: Humanoids

Movement Value
Ground 8


Passion Bonus
Love (Family) +10%
Loyalty (City) +10%
Honor (The Sea) +10%


Skill Base Bonus
Bargain 5 +10%
Boat 5 +10%
Swim 15 +10%
Customs (Islands And Coastline Of The Northern Solkathi Sea) 25 +0%
Speak (Seshnegi) 50 +0%
Speak (Tradetalk) 20 +0%
Dodge 20 +10%
Dagger 15 +10%
Grapple 25 +5%
1H Spear 5 +10%
Throwing Dagger 10 +10%
Self Bow 5 +10%

Skill Choices

Choose between

Fast Talk +10% --- OR ---- Orate +10%

Choose between

Insight (Human) +5% --- OR ---- Intrigue +5%

Choose between

Rapier +10% --- OR ---- Shortsword +10%