Lunar Tarsh Moon

Official Homeland

Author: christopherallison

Rune: Moon

When the Lunar Empire reached Dragon Pass they found it ruled by the kingdoms of Tarsh and Sartar. After many years of resistance, both kingdoms fell to the growing power of the Lunar Empire. The Red Moon sent one of her daughters to seduce and conquer the Tarshites.


Statistic Dice Max
STR 3d6 21
CON 3d6 21
SIZ 2d6+6 21
DEX 3d6 21
INT 2d6+6 21
POW 3d6 21
CHA 3d6 21

Hit Locations: Humanoids

Movement Value
Ground 8


Passion Bonus
Love (Family) +10%
Loyalty (Clan) +10%
Loyalty (Shaker Temple) +10%


Skill Base Bonus
Dance 10 +5%
Intrigue 5 +5%
Speak (New Pelorian) 50 +0%
Speak (Tarshite) 0 +20%
Speak (Tradetalk) 0 +10%
Celestial Lore 5 +5%
Customs (Lunar Provincial) 25 +0%
Farm 10 +25%
Spirit Combat 20 +15%
Dagger 15 +10%
Kopis 10 +10%
Javelin 10 +10%
Medium Shield 15 +10%
Large Shield 15 +15%

Skill Choices

Choose between

1H Spear +15% --- OR ---- 2H Spear +15%

Choose between

Composite Bow +10% --- OR ---- Sling +10%