Koros Chelon (version 3)

Water Mastery Harmony

Entertainer (Version 2) of Lunar Empire, Rune Lord of Uleria

Rune Priest of Ernalda
Marson Clan | Emanon Tribe Thumbnail

Created at 2023/11/12 by Charles Diltz


Koros - demi-god of minstrels and entertainers. He is the son of Uleria - Goddess of Love. This demi-god wanders the world incognito as an ordinary wayfaring songster, bringing warmth and cheer to the folk he meets. Everyone is careful to welcome and be hospitable to all entertainers in hopes that they may someday host Koros himself, bringing good luck forever after to their house. This minstrel is usually pictured as a locally popular musical instrument or a human holding the same.

Text Notes (0)
Strength 25 125%
Constitution 24 120%
Size 19 95%
Dexterity 24 120%
Intelligence 27 135%
Power 50 250%
Charisma 24 120%
Rune Points (Uleria) 50
Rune Points (Ernalda) 35
Damage Bonus +2D6
DEX Strike Rank 0
Hit Points 36
Healing Rate 0
Magic Points 50
Spirit Damage 4D6+5
SIZ Strike Rank 1
Air Air 75%
Darkness Darkness 35%
Earth Earth 75%
Fire/Sky Fire/Sky 75%
Moon Moon 85%
Water Water 95%
Fertility Fertility 90%
Harmony Harmony 95%
Illusion Illusion 80%
Man Man 80%
Movement Movement 85%
Infinity Infinity 75%
Law Law 50%
Magic Magic 85%
Mastery Mastery 95%
Rune Spells
Arouse Passion Earth 1
Bless Crops Fertility Earth 1
Bless Pregnancy Fertility Earth 2
Breath Air/Water Water Air 1
Charisma Fertility Illusion Beast 1
Divination Magic 1
Heal Body Earth Fertility Harmony 3
Inviolable Earth Fertility Harmony 1
Morale Death Truth 2
Reproduce Fertility 2
Summon Water Elemental (any) Water 1
Ground 8
Passions & Reputation
Devotion (Uleria) 90%
Devotion (Knowledge/Exploring The World) 90%
Devotion (Pleasure) 90%
Devotion (Seven Mothers) 90%
Devotion (Ernalda) 40%
Love (Anirron) 60%
Love (Person) 60%
Loyalty (Family) 60%
Loyalty (Lunar Empire) 40%
Loyalty (Red Emperor) 40%
Reputation 45%
Spirit Magic
Befuddle 10
Countermagic 10
Demoralize 10
Detect Enemies 10
Detect Life 10
Detect Magic 10
Detect Spirit 10
Detect Trap 10
Fireblade 10
Second Sight 10
Sleep 10
Standard of Living Noble
Income 10000 L
Ransom 500000 L

Skills [Gameplay] [Main]

Agility (+70%)
Boat (5) 125%
Climb (40) 125%
Dodge (38) 125%
Drive (Chariot) (5) 125%
Jump (57) 125%
Ride (Horse) (5) 125%
Swim (15) 125%
Communication (+75%)
Act (5) 130%
Art (5) 120%
Art (Erotic) (5) 150%
Bargain (5) 125%
Charm (15) 130%
Dance (10) 130%
Disguise (5) 130%
Fast Talk (5) 130%
Intimidate (15) 130%
Intrigue (5) 130%
Orate (10) 130%
Seduction (0) 130%
Sing (10) 130%
Speak (New Pelorian) (0) 130%
Speak (Own) (0) 130%
Manipulation (+95%)
Conceal (5) 135%
Craft (Arms) (10) 125%
Craft (Map Making) (10) 135%
Craft (Musical Instruments) (10) 135%
Devise (5) 135%
Play Instrument (5) 140%
Sleight (10) 135%

Knowledge (+65%)
Alchemy (0) 130%
Animal Lore (5) 120%
Battle (10) 125%
Bureacracy (10) 125%
Celestial Lore (5) 130%
Conception (0) 130%
Cult Lore (Ernalda) (0) 120%
Customs (Any) (0) 130%
Customs (Lunar Empire) (0) 125%
Elder Race Lore (Elves) (5) 130%
Evaluate (10) 130%
Farm (10) 130%
First Aid (10) 130%
Game (15) 130%
Herd (5) 100%
Homeland Lore (Local) (30) 125%
Library Use (0) 130%
Lore (Local) (0) 120%
Manage Household (10) 125%
Mineral Lore (5) 130%
Peaceful Cut (10) 125%
Plant Lore (5) 130%
Read/Write (New Pelorian) (0) 985%
Shiphandling (0) 130%
Survival (15) 130%
Treat Disease (5) 130%
Treat Poison (5) 990%

Magic (+60%)
Prepare Corpse (10) 100%
Sense Assassin (0) 125%
Sense Chaos (0) 125%
Sorcery (Spell) (0) 125%
Spirit Combat (20) 125%
Worship (Uleria) (0) 125%
Perception (+65%)
Insight (Elves) (20) 130%
Insight (Human) (20) 130%
Insight (Women) (20) 130%
Listen (25) 130%
Scan (25) 130%
Search (25) 130%
Track (5) 130%
Ranged (+95%)
Composite Bow (5) 120%
Crossbows (25) 135%
Dagger, Throwing (5) 135%
Elf Bow (5) 135%
Javelin (10) 125%
Rock (15) 135%
Self Bow (5) 120%
Sling (5) 135%
Staff Sling (10) 125%
Throwing Dagger (10) 135%
Thrown Axe (10) 125%

Melee (+95%)
1H Axe (10) 120%
1H Hammer (10) 120%
1H Mace (15) 125%
1H Spear (5) 115%
2H Axe (5) 115%
2H Hammer (5) 115%
2H Mace (10) 115%
2H Spear (15) 120%
Battle Axe (10) 125%
Broadsword (10) 125%
Dagger (15) 135%
Fist (25) 135%
Grapple (25) 135%
Greatsword (5) 125%
Kick (15) 135%
Kopis (10) 135%
Lance (5) 125%
Quarterstaff (15) 135%
Rapier (5) 135%
Whip (5) 125%
Shield (+95%)
Medium Shield (15) 135%
Stealth (-20%)
Hide (10) 70%
Move Quietly (10) 70%

Agility (+70%)
Boat (5) 125%
Climb (40) 125%
Dodge (38) 125%
Drive (Chariot) (5) 125%
Jump (57) 125%
Ride (Horse) (5) 125%
Swim (15) 125%
Communication (+75%)
Act (5) 130%
Art (5) 120%
Art (Erotic) (5) 150%
Bargain (5) 125%
Charm (15) 130%
Dance (10) 130%
Disguise (5) 130%
Fast Talk (5) 130%
Intimidate (15) 130%
Intrigue (5) 130%
Orate (10) 130%
Seduction (0) 130%
Sing (10) 130%
Speak (New Pelorian) (0) 130%
Speak (Own) (0) 130%
Manipulation (+95%)
Conceal (5) 135%
Craft (Arms) (10) 125%
Craft (Map Making) (10) 135%
Craft (Musical Instruments) (10) 135%
Devise (5) 135%
Play Instrument (5) 140%
Sleight (10) 135%

Knowledge (+65%)
Alchemy (0) 130%
Animal Lore (5) 120%
Battle (10) 125%
Bureacracy (10) 125%
Celestial Lore (5) 130%
Conception (0) 130%
Cult Lore (Ernalda) (0) 120%
Customs (Any) (0) 130%
Customs (Lunar Empire) (0) 125%
Elder Race Lore (Elves) (5) 130%
Evaluate (10) 130%
Farm (10) 130%
First Aid (10) 130%
Game (15) 130%
Herd (5) 100%
Homeland Lore (Local) (30) 125%
Library Use (0) 130%
Lore (Local) (0) 120%
Manage Household (10) 125%
Mineral Lore (5) 130%
Peaceful Cut (10) 125%
Plant Lore (5) 130%
Read/Write (New Pelorian) (0) 985%
Shiphandling (0) 130%
Survival (15) 130%
Treat Disease (5) 130%
Treat Poison (5) 990%

Magic (+60%)
Prepare Corpse (10) 100%
Sense Assassin (0) 125%
Sense Chaos (0) 125%
Sorcery (Spell) (0) 125%
Spirit Combat (20) 125%
Worship (Uleria) (0) 125%
Perception (+65%)
Insight (Elves) (20) 130%
Insight (Human) (20) 130%
Insight (Women) (20) 130%
Listen (25) 130%
Scan (25) 130%
Search (25) 130%
Track (5) 130%
Ranged (+95%)
Arbalest (10) 105%
Axe, Throwing (10) 105%
Composite Bow (5) 120%
Crossbows (25) 135%
Dagger, Throwing (5) 135%
Elf Bow (5) 135%
Javelin (10) 125%
Pole Lasso (5) 100%
Rock (15) 135%
Self Bow (5) 120%
Sling (5) 135%
Staff Sling (10) 125%
Throwing Dagger (10) 135%
Thrown Axe (10) 125%

Melee (+95%)
1H Axe (10) 120%
1H Hammer (10) 120%
1H Mace (15) 125%
1H Spear (5) 115%
2H Axe (5) 115%
2H Hammer (5) 115%
2H Mace (10) 115%
2H Spear (15) 120%
Battle Axe (10) 125%
Broadsword (10) 125%
Dagger (15) 135%
Fist (25) 135%
Grapple (25) 135%
Greatsword (5) 125%
Kick (15) 135%
Kopis (10) 135%
Lance (5) 125%
Pike (15) 110%
Quarterstaff (15) 135%
Rapier (5) 135%
Shortsword (10) 105%
Whip (5) 125%
Shield (+95%)
Large Shield (15) 110%
Medium Shield (15) 135%
Small Shield (15) 110%
Stealth (-20%)
Hide (10) 70%
Move Quietly (10) 70%
Gameplay [Skills] [Main]
Melee Attacks
Attack Skill Damage SR HP
Dagger 135% 1D4+2+2D6 5
Kopis 135% 1D8+1+2D6 3
Medium Shield 135% 1D4+2D6 4
Rapier 135% 1D6+1+2D6 4
Ranged Attacks
Attack Skill Damage SR Range Special
Elf Bow 135% 1D8+1 0 80m
Repeating Crossbow 135% 2D4+2 0 100m
Sling 135% 1D8 0 80m
Thrown Dagger 135% 1D4+2D3 0 20m

Hit Locations
Hit Location Armor HP Max
19-20 Head 6 12 /12
16-18 L Arm 6 11 /11
13-15 R Arm 6 11 /11
12 Chest 6 13 /13
9-11 Abdomen 6 12 /12
5-8 L Leg 6 12 /12
1-4 R Leg 6 12 /12
History: 200000 Lunars
A musical instrument
50 L in coin
70 L in goods
cultural weapons
costume if appropriate