
Movement Truth Fire/Sky

Hunter of Prax: Sable Riders, Initiate of Yelmalio


Created at 2024/04/30 by andybmth


Praxian Sable rider who worships Yelmalio and has fallen in with the Sundomers of Sandheart, Was from the Sunhoof Clan and is known as “Walks at Night” due his permanent Catseye gift from Yelmalio - he is unusual in his tribe for his blond hair and green eyes - he rides Arrowfast his Sable and has a hunting dog (dog now deceased)!

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Strength 13 65%
Constitution 12 60%
Size 12 60%
Dexterity 17 85%
Intelligence 17 85%
Power 11 55%
Charisma 13 65%
Rune Points (Yelmalio) 3
Damage Bonus +1D4
DEX Strike Rank 1
Hit Points 12
Healing Rate 2
Magic Points 11
Spirit Damage 1D6
SIZ Strike Rank 2
Air Air 40%
Earth Earth 20%
Fire/Sky Fire/Sky 60%
Moon Moon 10%
Movement Movement 75%
Truth Truth 75%
Ground 8
Passions & Reputation
Hate (Chaos) 60%
Honor 90%
Love (Family) 70%
Loyalty 60%
Loyalty (Tribe) 60%
Reputation 12%
Standard of Living Poor
Income 40 L
Ransom 250 L

Skills [Gameplay] [Main]

Agility (+10%)
Dodge (28) 54%
Ride (Sable Antelope) (5) 75%
Communication (+10%)
Act (5) 20%
Art (5) 20%
Bargain (5) 20%
Charm (15) 30%
Dance (10) 25%
Fast Talk (5) 20%
Intimidate (15) 50%
Intrigue (5) 20%
Sing (10) 25%
Speak (Flamespeech) (0) 55%
Speak (Tradetalk) (0) 35%
Manipulation (+20%)
Conceal (5) 35%
Sleight (10) 25%

Knowledge (+10%)
Animal Lore (5) 45%
Battle (10) 30%
Celestial Lore (5) 45%
Cult Lore (Yelmalio) (0) 25%
Evaluate (10) 15%
Farm (10) 15%
Herd (5) 45%
Peaceful Cut (10) 35%
Survival (15) 35%

Magic (+0%)
Prepare Corpse (10) 5%
Spirit Combat (20) 45%
Worship (Yelmalio) (0) 30%
Perception (+10%)
Insight (Species) (20) 55%
Listen (25) 55%
Scan (25) 55%
Track (5) 70%
Ranged (+20%)
Composite Bow (5) 90%

Melee (+20%)
1H Spear (5) 55%
Dagger (15) 45%
Kopis (10) 55%
Shield (+20%)
Stealth (+20%)
Hide (10) 50%
Move Quietly (10) 40%

Agility (+10%)
Boat (5) 15%
Climb (40) 50%
Dodge (28) 54%
Drive (Chariot) (5) 15%
Jump (42) 52%
Ride (Horse) (5) 15%
Ride (Sable Antelope) (5) 75%
Swim (15) 25%
Communication (+10%)
Act (5) 20%
Art (5) 20%
Bargain (5) 20%
Charm (15) 30%
Dance (10) 25%
Disguise (5) 15%
Fast Talk (5) 20%
Intimidate (15) 50%
Intrigue (5) 20%
Orate (10) 20%
Sing (10) 25%
Speak (Flamespeech) (0) 55%
Speak (Praxian) (50) 60%
Speak (Tradetalk) (0) 35%
Manipulation (+20%)
Conceal (5) 35%
Craft (Arms) (10) 30%
Devise (5) 25%
Play Instrument (5) 25%
Sleight (10) 25%

Knowledge (+10%)
Animal Lore (5) 45%
Battle (10) 30%
Celestial Lore (5) 45%
Cult Lore (Yelmalio) (0) 25%
Customs (Sable Tribe) (25) 35%
Elder Race Lore (Elves) (5) 15%
Evaluate (10) 15%
Farm (10) 15%
First Aid (10) 20%
Game (15) 25%
Herd (5) 45%
Homeland Lore (Local) (30) 40%
Manage Household (10) 20%
Mineral Lore (5) 15%
Peaceful Cut (10) 35%
Plant Lore (5) 15%
Survival (15) 35%
Treat Disease (5) 15%
Treat Poison (5) 15%

Magic (+0%)
Prepare Corpse (10) 5%
Spirit Combat (20) 45%
Worship (Yelmalio) (0) 30%
Perception (+10%)
Insight (Species) (20) 55%
Listen (25) 55%
Scan (25) 55%
Search (25) 35%
Track (5) 70%
Ranged (+20%)
Arbalest (10) 30%
Axe, Throwing (10) 30%
Composite Bow (5) 90%
Crossbows (25) 45%
Dagger, Throwing (5) 25%
Elf Bow (5) 25%
Javelin (10) 30%
Pole Lasso (5) 25%
Rock (15) 35%
Self Bow (5) 25%
Sling (5) 25%
Staff Sling (10) 30%
Throwing Dagger (10) 30%
Thrown Axe (10) 30%

Melee (+20%)
1H Axe (10) 30%
1H Hammer (10) 30%
1H Mace (15) 35%
1H Spear (5) 55%
2H Axe (5) 25%
2H Hammer (5) 25%
2H Mace (10) 30%
2H Spear (15) 35%
Battle Axe (10) 30%
Broadsword (10) 30%
Dagger (15) 45%
Fist (25) 45%
Grapple (25) 45%
Greatsword (5) 25%
Kick (15) 35%
Kopis (10) 55%
Lance (5) 25%
Pike (15) 35%
Quarterstaff (15) 35%
Rapier (5) 25%
Shortsword (10) 30%
Whip (5) 25%
Shield (+20%)
Large Shield (15) 35%
Small Shield (15) 35%
Stealth (+20%)
Hide (10) 50%
Move Quietly (10) 40%
Hit Locations
Hit Location Armor HP Max
19-20 Head 3 4 /4
16-18 L Arm 3 3 /3
13-15 R Arm 3 3 /3
12 Chest 3 5 /5
9-11 Abdomen 5 4 /4
5-8 L Leg 2 4 /4
1-4 R Leg 2 4 /4
Cultural Weapons
Hunting animal
Furs worth 120 L