Josuke Masahiko Of The Silver Moon

Man Movement Moon

Scribe of Lunar Tarsh, Initiate of Seven Mothers


Created at 2024/05/15 by kalak


Cugino di Akelarre

Add to my Roster Text Notes (0)
Strength 14 70%
Constitution 14 70%
Size 14 70%
Dexterity 17 85%
Intelligence 18 90%
Power 19 95%
Charisma 16 80%
Rune Points (Seven Mothers) 4
Damage Bonus +1D4
DEX Strike Rank 1
Hit Points 16
Healing Rate 3
Magic Points 19
Spirit Damage 1D6+3
SIZ Strike Rank 2
Darkness Darkness 50%
Moon Moon 70%
Water Water 30%
Man Man 75%
Movement Movement 75%
Spirit Spirit 30%
Truth Truth 60%
Rune Spells
Analyze Magic Truth 1
Enchant Metal (Iron) 1
Mindblast Moon 2
Ground 8
Passions & Reputation
Love (Family) 60%
Love (Magic) 60%
Loyalty (Akelarre) 90%
Loyalty (Clan) 60%
Loyalty (Family) 60%
Loyalty (Temple) 80%
Reputation 12%
Spirit Magic
Detect Magic 1
Standard of Living Free
Income 160 L
Ransom 1000 L

Skills [Gameplay] [Main]

Agility (+15%)
Dodge (22) 47%
Communication (+15%)
Dance (10) 30%
Intrigue (5) 25%
Sing (10) 35%
Speak (Heortling) (0) 50%
Speak (New Pelorian) (50) 105%
Speak (Tarshite) (0) 45%
Speak (Tradetalk) (0) 70%
Manipulation (+25%)

Knowledge (+15%)
Bureacracy (0) 75%
Celestial Lore (5) 35%
Cult Lore (Seven Mothers) (0) 30%
Customs (Lunar) (0) 45%
Evaluate (10) 35%
Farm (10) 50%
First Aid (10) 35%
Library Use (0) 80%
Lore (Magic) (0) 45%
Manage Household (10) 85%
Read/Write (Heortling) (0) 50%
Read/Write (New Pelorian) (0) 90%

Magic (+10%)
Boon of Kargan Tor (0) 25%
Create familiar (Ritual) (0) 60%
Detonate (0) 116%
Drain Soul (0) 63%
Enhance INT (Enhance Int) (0) 25%
Geomancy (Geomancy) (0) 25%
Logician (Logician) (0) 34%
Meditate (0) 65%
Mend Flesh (0) 86%
Speak to Mind (Speak To Mind) (0) 40%
Spirit Combat (20) 70%
Teleport (0) 66%
Teleport Circle (0) 36%
Worship (Seven Mothers) (0) 30%
Perception (+15%)
Scan (25) 50%
Ranged (+25%)
Javelin (10) 45%
Sling (5) 40%

Melee (+25%)
1H Spear (5) 45%
Dagger (15) 50%
Kopis (10) 90%
Shield (+25%)
Large Shield (15) 55%
Medium Shield (15) 70%
Stealth (+10%)

Agility (+15%)
Boat (5) 20%
Climb (40) 55%
Dodge (22) 47%
Drive (Chariot) (5) 20%
Jump (33) 48%
Ride (Horse) (5) 20%
Swim (15) 30%
Communication (+15%)
Act (5) 20%
Art (5) 20%
Bargain (5) 20%
Charm (15) 30%
Dance (10) 30%
Disguise (5) 20%
Fast Talk (5) 20%
Intimidate (15) 30%
Intrigue (5) 25%
Orate (10) 25%
Sing (10) 35%
Speak (Heortling) (0) 50%
Speak (New Pelorian) (50) 105%
Speak (Tarshite) (0) 45%
Speak (Tradetalk) (0) 70%
Manipulation (+25%)
Conceal (5) 30%
Craft (Arms) (10) 35%
Devise (5) 30%
Play Instrument (5) 30%
Sleight (10) 35%

Knowledge (+15%)
Animal Lore (5) 20%
Battle (10) 25%
Bureacracy (0) 75%
Celestial Lore (5) 35%
Cult Lore (Seven Mothers) (0) 30%
Customs (Lunar Provincial) (25) 40%
Customs (Lunar) (0) 45%
Elder Race Lore (Elves) (5) 20%
Evaluate (10) 35%
Farm (10) 50%
First Aid (10) 35%
Game (15) 30%
Herd (5) 20%
Homeland Lore (Local) (30) 45%
Library Use (0) 80%
Lore (Magic) (0) 45%
Manage Household (10) 85%
Mineral Lore (5) 20%
Peaceful Cut (10) 25%
Plant Lore (5) 20%
Read/Write (Heortling) (0) 50%
Read/Write (New Pelorian) (0) 90%
Survival (15) 30%
Treat Disease (5) 20%
Treat Poison (5) 20%

Magic (+10%)
Boon of Kargan Tor (0) 25%
Create familiar (Ritual) (0) 60%
Detonate (0) 116%
Drain Soul (0) 63%
Enhance INT (Enhance Int) (0) 25%
Geomancy (Geomancy) (0) 25%
Logician (Logician) (0) 34%
Meditate (0) 65%
Mend Flesh (0) 86%
Prepare Corpse (10) 20%
Speak to Mind (Speak To Mind) (0) 40%
Spirit Combat (20) 70%
Teleport (0) 66%
Teleport Circle (0) 36%
Worship (Seven Mothers) (0) 30%
Perception (+15%)
Insight (Species) (20) 35%
Listen (25) 40%
Scan (25) 50%
Search (25) 40%
Track (5) 20%
Ranged (+25%)
Arbalest (10) 35%
Axe, Throwing (10) 35%
Composite Bow (5) 30%
Crossbows (25) 50%
Dagger, Throwing (5) 30%
Elf Bow (5) 30%
Javelin (10) 45%
Pole Lasso (5) 30%
Rock (15) 40%
Self Bow (5) 30%
Sling (5) 40%
Staff Sling (10) 35%
Throwing Dagger (10) 35%
Thrown Axe (10) 35%

Melee (+25%)
1H Axe (10) 35%
1H Hammer (10) 35%
1H Mace (15) 40%
1H Spear (5) 45%
2H Axe (5) 30%
2H Hammer (5) 30%
2H Mace (10) 35%
2H Spear (15) 40%
Battle Axe (10) 35%
Broadsword (10) 35%
Dagger (15) 50%
Fist (25) 50%
Grapple (25) 50%
Greatsword (5) 30%
Kick (15) 40%
Kopis (10) 90%
Lance (5) 30%
Pike (15) 40%
Quarterstaff (15) 40%
Rapier (5) 30%
Shortsword (10) 35%
Whip (5) 30%
Shield (+25%)
Large Shield (15) 55%
Medium Shield (15) 70%
Small Shield (15) 40%
Stealth (+10%)
Hide (10) 20%
Move Quietly (10) 20%
Gameplay [Skills] [Main]
Melee Attacks
Attack Skill Damage SR HP
Iron Kopis 90% 1d8+1+10d6+1D4 5
Kopis 90% 1D8+1+1D4 5
Large Shield 55% 1D6+1D4 6
Ranged Attacks
Attack Skill Damage SR Range Special
Light Crossbow 50% 2D4+2 1 100m

  • Inantesimi Attivi: Waw +40 per una stagione / Ehnanche Int +10 per una stagione /
  • Incantesimi: in memoria Teleport, non in memoria ( da richiamare ) Boon of Kargan Tor e Ehnance INT
  • Iron Kopis: Enchanted , plus boon of Kargan Tor ( 10d6 ) per una stagione
  • Medaglione: Heal 3 in matrice. Pendente a forma di luna piena.
  • Mp Gems: 9 MP ( x4 )
  • Runes Mastered: Moon and Darkness and Magic ( Earth e Air minori ), Movement ( stasis opposite ), Harmony rune ( Disorder opposite ) and the Man rune
  • Spells: B of KT ( double time and mp ) / Drain Soul ( Normal time and MP ) / Geomancy (Double time and MP ) / Ehnance INT ( double time and mp )/ Logician ( normal time and mp ) /Mend Flesh ( normal time and mp ) / Speak to Mind ( normal time and mp ) / Teleport ( normal time and mp ) / Detonate ( normal time and mp )
  • Tatuaggi Spells: Tatuaggi con le matrici di Detonate, Geomancy, Drain Soul, Mend Flesh, Speak to Mind.
  • Tecniche Conosciute: Command ( insight into all other techniques ), Summon, Dispel

Hit Locations
Hit Location Armor HP Max
19-20 Head 4 6 /6
16-18 L Arm 4 5 /5
13-15 R Arm 4 5 /5
12 Chest 4 7 /7
9-11 Abdomen 4 6 /6
5-8 L Leg 4 6 /6
1-4 R Leg 4 6 /6
History: 600 Lunars
Writing implements & materials
Blank parchments worth 50 L
Tin disk carved with calendar
Bronze dagger
180 L in coin
H.Q. Armor ( 4 AP )
Pot cura x2 ( 1d6+2 )
Attrezzatura per ghost dirt e ash flat